Red Point Katze
Don't forget to check out our other cat games videos for cats! They are also called “red ragdolls”. Red_variante Black • chocolate • cinnamon (sorrel, red) • red. Red point….
Don't forget to check out our other cat games videos for cats! They are also called “red ragdolls”. Red_variante Black • chocolate • cinnamon (sorrel, red) • red. Red point….
Buy unterschätze niemals ein mädchen mit blue point katzen: Er ist ein blue point bkh mit blauen augen er ist sehr verschmust und anhänglich. Birma-katzen – Birgittas Private Homepage Birma….
Anderwelt maoh siam seal point. Their base coat is darker than other colors, and so too is the color of their points and even the color of their paw pads…..